Saturday, September 6, 2008

Accountability Agreement

1. 85 by the end of the semester.
2. To improve on my essay writing
3. To use my class time efficiently and effectively

1. Help my classmates if I am able to
2. I will be coaching the junior boys volleyball team
3. I will be bringing my ideas and sharing them with others

1. I will be responsible for telling my teacher when I will be absent for sports
2. I will be responsible for getting projects and assignments in on time
3. I will be responsible for not being disruptive during class time

1. I will require Mr. Murray for feedback on things I am unsure about
2. I will require my parents to ensure that I have quiet working environment
3. I will require my peers to provide support (proofreading) where possible

1. I will know I succeeded when I get tests back that have my desired score (+85)
2. My mark from at the final report card will exceed that of my midterm report
3. I am able to write essays about any topic effectively

1. If I succeed I will buy myself chocolate in bulk
2. If I fail I will lose the ongoing contest I have going on with my brother about who has the better marks
3. If I succeed then I will take myself, and friends, out to a movie


Tallguy said...

It all seems really solid, I like how you reward I one of those friends that you'll take to a movie????

Tyler Keith said...

...if it would only be you... no. if there were other people there, maybe, cuz 2 guys going to a movie is homo. and u can't even no homo it